
Scum Card Game

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Description Scum is a rough survival and reality show at the same time. Your characteristics affect the age and obesity of the character. Television programs are trying to get even more dramatic to keep viewers glued to screens. Fun Family card game. I've been told it is like the game 'The Great Dalmuti'. For large groups of people it's fun to combine 3 or 4 decks which allows 15 or more players to get in on the fun.

President (also known as Scum, Kings, Warlords and Scumbags, Scumbag (the latter two names originating in Australia), Janitor, Kings and Assholes, Arsehole (in British English), Man of the House, Landlord, Rich Man Poor Man, Hierarchy, and many other names) is an Americanized version of Dai Hin Min, a card game for three or more in which the players race to get rid of all of the cards in their hands in order to become President in the following round. SCUM is the exciting NEW card game that is fun for the whole family! Battle your way from SCUM into the upper crust of society. Pit your skill against your opponents' to become the next President. In SCUM it's anyone's game!! SCUM is the perfect game to play at:. Family outings. Parties. Social Gatherings. With Friends. Game Nights.

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Scrum Card Game – is a simple simulation, which lets players experience work in Scrum sprints and brings to discussion many questions and topics that happen in real life while working in a Scrum team. This experience facilitates learning and makes participants prepared for the real use of Scrum.

This game is usually played during the Scrum training or a workshop. Participants should know about the Scrum framework or could be introduced to it right before the game. At least you should explain the concept of Iteration (Sprint) and Plan-Do-Reflect cycle.

Despite other simulations, this one has a strong focus on the Scrum as a process and provides education of mechanics through the serious play. Also, it is lightweight and easy to carry on a set of cards that you can bring in your pocket to any workshop or training.

In short, a team experience three Scrum Sprints with a normal iteration cycle Plan-Do-Reflect. Each Sprint is three-day-long, just to simplify learning.

The Setup of the game

Split the audience into teams of 3-4-5 (max 6) people, equally if possible, and have one set per team.

For each team you need:

  1. Buy a printed set and reuse it for each play.
  2. Downloada detailed manual with self-printable cards included
  3. Play Online by starting a game and inviting participants with a link.

Hint: Each team has an equal set, but due to decisions they make, the game can go differently in each case. This creates an infinite source for discussions during the debriefing.

Prepare “Backlog” of Story cards and a “Chance set” from well-shuffled Event, Problem, Solution cards. The Backlog is prioritised (sequence number in the top corner) and estimated (hours in the bottom corner).

In the off-line setup, you could arrange a task-board (with Todo, In Progress, Done columns) and prepare a flip-chart with PLAN and ACTUAL visualisation.

Set the Goal: You are a competitive development centre (s) aimed to deliver a new application to the market.

Team Planning

  • Ask the team “how many features do you believe you can deliver in the next iteration?”.
  • The team plans a three-day iteration by selecting Stories from a Backlog into Todo column.
  • The Planning process is done when a team announces its plans.
  • In off-line setup, you could record to the flipchart numbers of Stories selected and a total amount of planned work, so everyone can see their «commitment».

Work within an iteration

Scum Card Game Strategy

Each player should:

  • Explicitly select a Story to “work on”
  • Rolldice – this is player’s number of productive hours on this day
  • Deduct from remaining hours on the card(s) this player “works on” (it’s done automatically in the online version)
  • Pull a card from the “Chance set” (shuffled Events, Problems, Solutions together)
  • Do what the card says:
    • Problemsticks, and blocks a Story the player is “working on”
      • Blocking means you can’t move into DONE and have to find a Solution first
      • You can continue to work on(deducting to 0)
    • Solution you may apply at any time. Solves a Problem and unblocks a Story. Once used, the Problem and Solution discarded
    • Event – immediate effect and then discarded (currently absent in online version)
  • Solutions belong to the whole team
  • Solutions preserved from iteration to iteration

DONE criteria for a Story:

Scum Card Game App

  • A Story has 0 hours remaining
  • A Story has no unsolved Problem cards attached

Sprint Review + Retrospective

  • After each player has done three rounds – the iteration is over
  • The team should present Stories accomplished (i.e., only stories in DONE column) and calculate the total of original estimations of done Stories
  • Compare Actual results with the initial Plan
  • Review work not done and discuss the reasons. Also, discuss how to account these un-done Stories in the next Sprint to respect the number from the original estimations
  • Retrospect on how to perform in the next Sprint to achieve better results

Hint: Teams are not expected to accomplish the whole Backlog, but sometimes they can do so. I usually say that the last Sprint is the one before going to production and a team should better plan what they can really deliver by the end of Sprint and the rest of Stories simply ignored.

Debriefing after the game

In the off-line setup, bring the flipchart with visualising all Planned and Actual data.

Hint: Do the game debriefing to match your teaching goals.

Here are some topics for inspiration:

  • Planned vs. Actual
  • Velocity variations
  • Hours Estimate vs. Size (Original Estimate)
  • What type of risks affected the play (Technical, People, Unplanned Events)
  • Could we forecast unfortunate events?

Give it a Try!

I’d love to hear from you any feedback about how you use the game or ideas on how to extend or alter the game. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Order a printed set or download self-printable cards. This material is licensed to each customer individually for your personal use in commercial and internal purposes, without rights to reproduce and resell.
Or simply Play Online with your teams or clients.

© Timofey (Tim) Yevgrashyn, 2010.
See our Terms and Conditions for additional details.


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