
Shanghai Rummy

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The players place their tiles and try to get as many symbols of the same sort in a row. The 2 of Clubs and the 2 of Spades are missing in both decks of Momo’s Shanghai Rummy I received as a Christmas gift! @chris – January 4, 2021 Hey Constance – We’re glad you got the game and that someone thought enough of you to give it to you as a gift!

  1. Shanghai Rummy Rounds
  2. Shanghai Rummy Pdf
  3. Shanghai Rummy Rules

Shanghai is a Manipulation Rummy game very mush like Carousel. Notethat there is another game using the Shanghai name, Shanghai Rummy,which is a form of Contract Rummy. Understanding the rules of Carouselwill help with learning this game. For the most part, only the differences aredescribed here.

The Finangle game is very similar to this game, and they can each bethought of as a variation of the other.

Players: The game can be played by 3-5 players; 4 or 5 players make the bestgame.

The Deck: Use 2 52-card decks of cards, with no Jokers. The Ace is alwayslow.

The Deal: The dealer deals each player 10 cards in batches of 3, 3, 3 and 1.The undealt cards are placed face down to form the reserve stock. In subsequenthands, deal passes to the left.

The Play: Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, and continuingclockwise, each player in turn plays cards from hand to the table. Cards playedmust be melded using standard Sets and Runs.

A player can create melds by providing all the necessary cards from his hand,(in which case he would have to play at least 3 cards from his hand), and/or canadd cards to a meld already on the table.

As in Carousel the melds already on the table can be rearranged into newmelds, to help the played get play cards in their hand into the new melds. Inthis game the manipulation of the existing melds is called the 'Shangai'. Aplayer may freely rearrange the melds on the table so long as, upon completionof the player's turn, all cards on the table are formed in legal melds.

A player who can meld one or more cards must do so. You do not necessarily haveto meld all the cards that you can, but if you are able to meld you must putdown at least one card, and the turn then passes to the next player.

A player who does not hold any cards that can be successfully melded must drawthe top card from the face-down stock. If this card enables him to play he mustdo so; if not, he draws further cards from the stock until he can play. As soonas he can play, he does so, and the turn passes to the next player.

Shanghai Rummy Rounds

In other words, you must meld if you are able to. If you cannot meld you drawcards one at a time from the stock until you can. As soon as you are able to youmust stop drawing and meld.

As soon as a player plays (melds) his last card(s), the hand is over.

Scoring: The player who went out scores zero points. All other players score1 point for each card left in their hand. There is no set ending to the game -you just continue until the players agree to stop and settle up for (say) anickel a point.

Shanghai Rummy is a variation of Contract Rummy. The principaldifferences between Shanghai Rummy and Contract Rummy are:

  • There are ten rounds.
  • Eleven cards are dealt to each player in every deal.
  • There is a limit to the number of buys allowed.
  • There is a limit to the number of jokers used in a set or sequence.
  • If you 'go out blind' (discard all your cards in one play), you earn a bonusof 25 points (50 if you haven't used a joker). Note that a bonus subtractspoints from your score, not adds them.
  • Number cards count as 5 points each for scoring, rather than the index valueof the card.


Each deal has a different contract, which consists of somecombination of Sets and Runs:

1Two Sets of 3
2One Set of 3 and One Run of 4
3Two Runs of 4
4Three Sets of 3
5One Set of 3 and One Run of 7
6Two Sets of 3 and One Run of 5
7Three Runs of 4
8One Set of 3 and One Run of 10
9Three Sets of 3 and One Run of 5
10Three Runs of 5

Shanghai Rummy Pdf


A 'buy' or the 'May I?'is when an out-of-turn player takes the upcard. Thisworks basically the same as it does in Contract Rummy - the player has to drawan extra card from the stock, and cannot play the cards immediately, but mustwait for his turn. If more than one player wants it, the one closest to thedealer's left has precedence.

Shanghai Rummy

There is a limit to the number of buys allowed. In contracts 1 through 8, eachplayer is only allowed 3 buys per hand. In contracts 9 and 10, each playerallowed 4 buys per hand.

Note that in later rounds more than 11 cards will be needed to complete thecontract, so buying discards will be required.


Use of jokers works the same as in Contract Rummy, except that thereis a limit to the number of jokers used in a set or sequence:

  • 1 joker may be used in a set of 3, or a run of 4
  • 2 jokers may be used in a run of 5
  • 3 jokers may be used in a run of 7
  • 4 jokers may be used in a run of 10

For the remainder of the rules, refer to Contract Rummy.

Shanghai Rummy Rules


The description of Shanghai Rummy at pagat.com includes the following additionalvariations from the rules above or the standard Contract Rummy rules:

  • There are only 7 rounds, with these contracts:

    1two sets
    2one set, one run
    3two runs
    4three sets
    5two sets, one run
    6one sets, two runs
    7three runs with no discard

    The seventh round requires 12 cards, and so will require the drawn cardplus the 11 cards in the hand in order to meld. Unless cards have been bought.Then the extras will need to be laid off as normal for the player to go outand win the round.

  • Melding Rules

    • Aces are always high in a run. A-2-3-4 is not a run.
    • Consecutive runs in the same suit (such as 6-7-8-9 and 10-J-Q-K)cannot be put down by the same player in the initial meld. Runs can,however, become consecutive later, when they are extended by adding extracards.
    • A player cannot put down two sets of the same rank - six eights do notmake two sets.
    • A joker can be used in a meld as a substitute for a missing card. A setor run cannot contain more than one joker (but a player can meld more thanone joker provided that they are used in different sets or runs).
    • Further cards can be added to your initial meld and to other playersmelds in the same turn that the initial meld is laid down or in laterturns.
  • The 'Shanghai':

    This occurs when a card is discarded which could be added to one of the meldsthat is already on the table. There are two situations:

    • If you deliberately discard a card which could be added to an existingmeld, you can call 'Shanghai' as you discard it. This prevents it from beingpicked up by the next player or being 'May I?'d in that player's turn. Thiscan happen, for example, when you have not yet made your initial meld, butwish to get rid of a card from your hand which happens to fit one of theother players' melds.
    • If you discard a card which could be added to an existing meld withoutcalling Shanghai, then any other player (even a player who has not yet putdown their contract) may call 'Shanghai', and add the discard to a meld. Thecalling player then offers their hand to you face down, and you must draw acard from it and place it in your own hand. The player to your left thentakes their turn as normal.

    Note that a 'Shanghai' takes precedence over a 'May I?'. If a player calls'Shanghai' to protect a discard or to take a discard and add it to a meld onthe table, this stops any other player taking that card with a 'May I?' onthat turn.

  • The ScoringThe penalty points for cards remaining in players' hands when someone goes outare as follows:

    2 - 75 points each
    8 - K10 points each
    Aces20 points each
    Jokers50 points each